Shonn Cheng;Hsuan-Pu Chang;Tseng, S.-S*, 2024.07, 'Exploring the impact of psychosocial learning environments and instructional modalities on academic achievement in blended computer science education, ' Eur J Psychol Educ, Vol.39, pp.4493–4514.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S*;Zhou, Y, 2024.04, 'Guest editorial: Developing learner agency in smart environments., ' Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol.27, No.2, pp.1-3.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S*;Erkan, Er, 2024.01, 'Maximizing the impact of dialogic peer feedback on student engagement: The role of regulation support., ' Educational Technology & Society, Vol.27, No.2, pp.133-148.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.*;Huang, H. L.;Chen, C. I., 2023.06, 'Low English proficiency teachers’ challenges in bilingual Instruction, ' The Journal of Asia TEFL, Vol.20, No.2, pp.485-493..(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.*, 2021.02, 'The influence of teacher annotations on student learning engagement and video watching behaviors, ' International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Vol.18, pp.1–17.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.*, 2020.06, 'Using concept mapping activities to enhance students’ critical thinking skills at a high school in Taiwan, ' Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Vol.29, No.3, pp.249–256.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yeh, H.-C.;Heng. L. C.;Tseng, S.-S.*, 2020.02, 'Exploring the impact of video-making on students’ writing skills, ' Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Vol.53, No.4, pp.446–456.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yeh, H.-C.;Tseng, S.-S.*, 2020.02, 'Enhancing multimodal literacy using augmented reality, ' Language Learning & Technology, Vol.24, No.1, pp.27–37.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yeh, H.-C.;Tseng, S.-S.*, 2019.07, 'Using the ADDIE model to nurture the development of teachers’ CALL professional knowledge, ' Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol.22, No.3, pp.88–100.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.;Yeh, H.-C.*, 2019.06, 'The impact of video and written feedback on student preferences of English speaking practice, ' Language Learning & Technology, Vol.23, No.2, pp.145–158.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yeh, H.-C.;Tseng, S.-S.*, 2019.01, 'Using online peer feedback through blogs to promote speaking performance, ' Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol.22, No.1, pp.1–14.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.;Yeh, H.-C.*, 2018.01, 'Integrating reciprocal teaching in an online environment with an annotation feature to enhance low-achieving students’ English reading comprehension, ' Interactive Learning Environments, Vol.26, No.6, pp.789–802.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.*, 2015.10, 'Concept-mapping tools and the development of students' critical-thinking skills, ' Educational Technology, Vol.55, No.3, pp.39–43.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tseng, S.-S.;Yeh, H.-C.*;Yang, S. H., 2015.01, 'Promoting different reading comprehension levels through online annotations, ' Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol.28, No.1, pp.1–17.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)