葉玉珠*;Szu-Yu Chen;Elisa Marie Rega;林進山, 2019, 'Mindful Learning Experience Facilitates Mastery Experience Through Heightened Flow and Self-Effiacy in Game-Based Creativity Learning, ' Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.10, pp.1-12.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
葉玉珠*;林進山, 2018, 'Achievement goals influence mastery experience via two paths in digital creativity games among elementary school students. Journal of Computer-assisted Learning, ' Journal of Computer-assisted Learning, Vol.1, pp.1-10.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
林進山*, 2025.03, '建構幼兒學習區的創新設計類型與實踐教學策略之探究, ' 2 nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANITIES, EDUCATION, AND SOCIAL PRAXIS IN THE AGE OF THE NEW NORMAL 202 5, 亞洲大學.(*為通訊作者)
林進山*, 2018.03, 'The mediation effect of mindful learning during creativity game-based learning, '.(*為通訊作者)
葉玉珠*;Chang, H. L.;林進山;Chen, S. Y., 2018.03, 'The mediation effect of mindful learning during creativity game-based learning, ' The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, ACP.(*為通訊作者)
葉玉珠*;林進山;Chang, H. L.;Lin, T. H., 2017.06, 'Employing game-based learning to improve pupils' creativity, ' ECE 2017 The European Conference on Education, ECE.(*為通訊作者)
林進山*, 2016.11, 'A model of mastery experience in creativity game-based learning among pupils, ' World Conference on E-Learning, AACE.(*為通訊作者)